
Saturday at 17h00 & Sunday at 09h00

“Satsang” (true association) is a devotional meeting wherein yogis explore in fellowship the intellectual, esoteric and mystical aspects of yoga and its underlying philosophy.

Satsang is open to all. It includes music, song and prayer, readings and a discourse and arathi (light-waving ceremony), followed by consuming prasad (consecrated food).

Satsang is the easiest route into exploring the “spirit” of Yoga.

We also enjoy a Philosophy of the Masters class (combined with a brief meditation session) on Monday evenings at 17h30, also in the Satsang Hall.

For your convenience we upload audio and video recordings as well as the written transcripts of our satsang discourses and some of our music — find all links to these below.

“The Yoga school represents a wholesome reprieve from the madding crowd, a place of tranquility, a place to physically and spiritually rebalance.”

A record of recent discourses

For your further spiritual nourishment, please enjoy Swamiji’s discourses from our previous Satsangs here (wherever possible, we upload the recordings, the speaker’s written notes, or both). Recordings can be opened by clicking on the date.


Archives of previous Satsangs can be found here.