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So far boss has created 38 blog entries.

Philosophy of the Masters

Navaratri ceremony with devotees from the Sivananda School of Yoga, during a yatra to the Divine Life Society of India Philosophy of the Masters The Highest Yoga and our Way to Liberation The Rationale Compiled and edited by Swami Isvaramayananda Immortal Atmaswarupa, Because the process of rebirth renders you oblivious of your previous

What is Mantra Repetition and Meditation?

“For some, and for me, this is a real-life “cave” for the yogi who strives in yearning quest for the Infinite.” What is Mantra Repetition and Meditation? Japa (Mantra Repetition), the occult science of repeating mystical sound formulae, is an essential, indispensable part of Tantra, the inner sadhana (spiritual

Mantra and Meditation: The Essence of Yoga

Photo courtesy of www.SivanandaOnline.org Mantra And Meditation: The Essence Of Yoga By Swami Isvaramayananda An offering at the Holy Lotus Feet of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Venkatesanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj Mantra A Mantra is a mystical sound formula comprised of letters, syllable(s),words or phrases which, when repeated

Krishna Jayanti

Photo courtesy of www.statuestudio.com Krishna Jayanti An account offered at the holy lotus feet of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Venkatesanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj By Swami Isvaramayananda  Janmashtami Krishna Krishna Mahayogin Bhaktaanaambhayayankara Govinda Paramaandana Sarvam Me Vashamaanaya King Kamsa was a tyrannical autocrat who ruled in Mathura, the birthplace of Bhagavan Krishna. He loved

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga By Swami Isvaramayananda “Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise; Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate.” — So said Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Immortal Atmaswarupa, Revered Devotee of the Lord The following is only for advanced disciples, who live harmlessly, and whose support of others’ charitable efforts should be in

What is the purpose of Hatha Yoga?

"The Sivananda School of Yoga has become a spiritual haven for me." What is the purpose of Hatha Yoga? Hatha is intended to facilitate the yogi's quest for God-realisation. This attainment is, ultimately, Yoga's only purpose. Hatha's mental and emotional side-benefits enhance the student's general well-being. However, physical, mental

Gurudev’s Real Message

Photo courtesy of SivanandaOnline.org Gurudev's Real Message An edited extract from Chapter 20, “Swami Sivananda: Saint, Sage and Godman", by Sri Swami Chidananda As we sit here in the sacred Samadhi Shrine of beloved Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, two great teachings of Gurudev appear before us in big writing as we enter:

The Martyrdom of the Avatar Jesus the Nazarene

The Martyrdom of the Avatar Jesus the Nazarene As Expounded By Masters An inspiration for all anointed ones Compiled and edited by Swami Isvaramayananda In the edited statements of the discarnate Master Imperator: “Each age has had its divine message, and each has erred in thinking its own message final. You know

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