Meditation & Philosophy

Philosophy of the Masters & Meditation Training Mondays at 17h30 Classes in Vedantic philosophy and meditation practice, either presented as a formal lesson or as a question-and-answer session, where all spiritual/religious inquiries are welcome. What is the Mystic Philosophy of the Masters? Subjects expounded in the Mystic Philosophy of the Masters includes: Cosmogony Formation and dissolution of

Karma as Disease

Karma as Disease by Swami Isvaramayananda The only existence is consciousness, manifesting itself in infinite variety, in a perpetual flux of energy patterns within energy fields, within energy patterns within energy fields ad infinitum. This is the universe, and the universe is God. The body of God is the infinite ocean of

Meditation, the Only Way to Liberation

Sunrise meditation at the Sivananda School of Yoga Meditation, the Only Way to Liberation By Swami Isvaramayananda Consciousness is layered: a spectrum of co-extensive, interpenetrating vibrations. The yogi knows that the mind is not man‘s highest quality of consciousness, and that reason is not man‘s highest faculty. To attain realisation, he/she must

Transcending Religion (by Manly Palmer Hall)

Members of the Sivananda School of Yoga in Delhi Transcending Religion: A manifesto based on statements by Manly Palmer Hall Our yoga centre offers enlightenment in the form of the eternal verities as shrined in the Scriptures, and in the ways humanity has ever received Divine guidance and revelation; that is in meditation


Navaratri in Rishikesh with two of our Sivananda School of Yoga sadhaks Yoga by Swami Isvaramayananda Yoga is the mystical path within, and transcending, religion. For the Hindu, Sanatana Dharma (Eternally Righteous Way) is the religious foundation of Yoga. For a yogi of a different culture, Hinduism provides a traditional background. Who

Why Yogis do not Solicit Teachings from Discarnate Souls

Why Yogis do not Solicit Teachings from Discarnate Souls  By Swami Isvaramayananda In 2002 Swami Isvaramayananda, President of the Sivananda School of Yoga, issued the pamphlet titled "A True Spiritual Path - True Mysticism Compared with Religion, Occultism and Intellectual Investigation". It summarizes the philosophy of Swami Isvaramayananda, and the Yoga School's

The Diet of the Yogi

The Diet of the Yogi Every sadhak (practitioner) who is initiated has to resolve to remain a vegetarian for life. This means that the disciple may not deliberately consume any substance derived from the killing or cruelty to any mammal, marsupial, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish, mollusc, or other creature in the

True to Yoga

True to Yoga An explanatory contradiction of descriptions, misinterpretations and misrepresentations encountered in Western media Preamble Yoga’s only purpose — Yoga’s only purpose — is Moksha; that is, liberation from reincarnation and other effects of nescience, via God-realisation: a state of enlightenment-&-liberation referred to in Judeo-Christian as well as Hindu scriptures, but little understood and expounded

What Is Yoga?

“The first time I visited the Sivananda School of Yoga, I fell in love with the depth of peace and love at the Ashram. Each time thereafter I would reconnect with the bliss of that first day.”  What Is Yoga? Contrary to popular western belief, Yoga is a philosophy,

Insights into the Vegetarian Ethic

Insights into the Vegetarian Ethic Om Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya Inter-mammalian cannibalism & insights into the vegetarian ethic Uncomfortable considerations for the meat eater, hunter and wearer of animal furs and leather coats: “But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.” — Genesis 9:5 “Ye shall not eat

Be a Yogi

Be a Yogi By Swami Isvaramayananda In northern Kerala, near the town of Kanangad, lies Anandashram, a beautiful haven of peace founded by Papa Ramdas. A remarkable feature of this ashram is its freedom from politics. As a policy promoted by all, there is no gossip or disclosing "because it is only

Swamis and the Swami Orders

“The deep wisdom and loving compassion I have experienced here have been an inspiration, a comfort and a guiding light.” Swamis and the Swami Orders The members of the Sivananda Yoga Centre who wear orange clothes are ‘swamis’. Traditionally, we address them as ‘Swami’ or, with affectionate respect ‘Swamiji'. The

Swami Isvaramayananda

Swami Isvaramayananda Swami Isvaramayananda Saraswati, President, Chairman, and spiritual leader of the Sivananda School of Yoga, is a monk of the Holy Swami Order. He was ordained in 1988 by His Holiness Pujya Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj, World President of the Divine Life Society of India. Swami Isvaramayanandaji is an acknowledged expert in the

A True Spiritual Path

Photo of some of our Sivananda School of Yoga sadhaks visiting Rishikesh A True Spiritual Path True Mysticism compared with Religion, Occultism and Intellectual Investigation By Swami Isvaramayananda This statement is for advanced aspirants for its essential message is about a high state of enlightenment, essential for liberation from the cycle of

Pleasing the Guru or Oneself?

Photo courtesy of Pleasing the Guru or Oneself? By Swami Isvaramayananda In Hindu literature about the guru-disciple relationship there is mention of the importance of pleasing the guru. Obviously this does not refer to sycophantic favours, which would leave any guru unmoved. Our finest guruseva is diligent sadhana – prayer, japa, contemplation and

What is the Mystic Philosophy of the Masters?

What is the Mystic Philosophy of the Masters? Classes in Vedantic philosophy and training in meditation practice take place on Monday evenings from 17h30 to 19h00. These classes are led by Swami Isvaramayanandaji Maharaj, mystic, esotericist and spiritual leader of the Sivananda School of Yoga. Swamiji is skilful in communicating the loftiest spiritual concepts

Philosophy of the Masters

Navaratri ceremony with devotees from the Sivananda School of Yoga, during a yatra to the Divine Life Society of India Philosophy of the Masters The Highest Yoga and our Way to Liberation The Rationale Compiled and edited by Swami Isvaramayananda Immortal Atmaswarupa, Because the process of rebirth renders you oblivious of your previous

What is Mantra Repetition and Meditation?

“For some, and for me, this is a real-life “cave” for the yogi who strives in yearning quest for the Infinite.” What is Mantra Repetition and Meditation? Japa (Mantra Repetition), the occult science of repeating mystical sound formulae, is an essential, indispensable part of Tantra, the inner sadhana (spiritual

Mantra and Meditation: The Essence of Yoga

Photo courtesy of Mantra And Meditation: The Essence Of Yoga By Swami Isvaramayananda An offering at the Holy Lotus Feet of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Venkatesanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj Mantra A Mantra is a mystical sound formula comprised of letters, syllable(s),words or phrases which, when repeated

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga By Swami Isvaramayananda “Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise; Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate.” — So said Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Immortal Atmaswarupa, Revered Devotee of the Lord The following is only for advanced disciples, who live harmlessly, and whose support of others’ charitable efforts should be in

Krishna Jayanti

Photo courtesy of Krishna Jayanti An account offered at the holy lotus feet of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Venkatesanandaji Maharaj Pujya Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj By Swami Isvaramayananda  Janmashtami Krishna Krishna Mahayogin Bhaktaanaambhayayankara Govinda Paramaandana Sarvam Me Vashamaanaya King Kamsa was a tyrannical autocrat who ruled in Mathura, the birthplace of Bhagavan Krishna. He loved

The Martyrdom of the Avatar Jesus the Nazarene

The Martyrdom of the Avatar Jesus the Nazarene As Expounded By Masters An inspiration for all anointed ones Compiled and edited by Swami Isvaramayananda In the edited statements of the discarnate Master Imperator: “Each age has had its divine message, and each has erred in thinking its own message final. You know

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