My Guru

My Guru By Swami Karunananda Om Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya Sri Swami Isvaramayandandaji Saraswati Maharaj is a True Guru. Of this, his disciples, of which I am one, have no doubt. My spiritual journey with my Guru began on the 17th January 1985 when I accompanied a friend to Sivananda School of Yoga

Swami Karunananda

Swami Karunananda Swami Karunananda, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Trustee of the Yoga School, is a nun of the Saraswati branch of the holy Swami Order. Born on 6th April 1950, she entered the ashram as a brahmacharini in 1985. Swami Chidananda Maharaj initiated her into monastic brahmacharia in 1990, and into the

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