Welcome to the
Sivananda Ashram
The Sivananda Ashram — affiliated to the Divine Life Society of India – is located at 4 Tyson Road, Parkview, Johannesburg (off Westcliff Drive).
The Ashram was founded in 1956 by a small group who were inspired by one of the greatest yogis of the twentieth century, Swami Sivananda of Muni Ki Reti, Himalayas.
Set in a beautiful garden property on top of the Tyson Road hill in Parkview, Johannesburg, the Ashram offers Hatha, Meditation and Philosophy classes and Satsang, and also serves as an ashram for spiritual aspirants.
Shunning all the hybrid adaptations and variously named ‘yogas’ which have recently appeared, the Ashram teaches authentic Yoga in the Hindu tradition.
Where are we? 4 Tyson Road, Parkview. Google Link here.
How best to contact us? Phone 011 646 4084 or email us at sivananda.joburg@gmail.com
What are your timetable and fees? Please see here.
Hatha involves bodily exercise with breathing techniques. The purpose of Hatha is the attainment of Pranayama (life-force control), the purpose of which, in turn, is to facilitate meditation. Hatha employs Asana (seat/posture), Bandha (energy locks), Kriya (cleansing processes) and Mudra (energy-directing poses and gestures).
For information such as Hatha timetables and so on, see here.
Meditation and Philosophy
The Philosophy of the Masters is the knowledge of the ancient mystery schools, which is known to our masters about: life before and after death; karma and reincarnation; expansion of consciousness; siddhis (psychic faculties) and much more. In these sessions we expound the doctrine, and teach and practice the first stage of the meditation technique, of mystics and initiates.
Satsang (pure company; association with truth) is a devotional meeting whereby yogis explore, in fellowship, intellectual, esoteric and mystical aspects of Yoga and its underlying philosophy. It includes chanting, readings, a short discourse, prayers and aarti (light-waving ceremony) followed by prasad (consecrated food). Satsang is open to the public free of charge.
Trauma Counselling
Persons in need of help may apply for counselling with Swami Karunananda. Guidelines for arranging an interview are available on request.
Join us Saturday 22nd June for a medical screening some medical advice. Book a massage. Listen to talks on the Ayurveda diet. Healthy meals for sale. See details of the day here below.